
Founder & CEO of

Okankit.com & bookmysell.com

Hey Buddies,
Let me introduce myself, My Name is Ankit Parekh.I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

I am Founder of OkAnkit Marketing/Business and BookMySell.

I am a Software Engineer by profession and Affiliate Marketer by choice.

I’ve been in to Affiliate marketing since 2020. I am successfully earning 7 figure income per month from affiliate marketing. So I decided to share my knowledge with other people. Do you really feel it’s so easy to achieve such a result in less than 2 years’ time duration?
Continuous learning, consistency and positive mindset is the key to SUCCESS in any business, as per my Belief. Affiliate marketing is also one type of Business.

Why did I start Affiliate marketing?

Well, I am a very lazy person. Jokes apart. I believed in smart work, so I left my job. Of course, affiliate marketing was not easy for me in starting but I never gave up. 

I am always willing to teach people with the proven tactics that I used in my affiliate journey, so I started a YouTube channel.  

I post my FREE as well as Paid Proven methods on YouTube.  

Now thousands of students started earning from affiliate marketing. 

“I’ve transformed my life and I did the same for others too”


Hey, Guys Below i Have Mentioned Some Of My Achievements and History of Mine

Jun 2015

My Graduation

Hey, its Ankit. I Have Completed My Graduation In BCA ( Bachelor in computer application) and Post Graduation In MSc-IT (Master Of Science In Information technology) in June 2015. 

Jun 2015
Aug 2015

Started Doing A Job

After completing my graduation, I got a job as a software developer in very known company. I have did that job for 5 years.

Aug 2015
Nov 2019

My 1st YouTube Video

While doing my job, I have started my YouTube channel in 2019 and uploaded my first video about Tik-Tok tips and tricks on my channel OK ANKIT. and that video failed miserably ( lol).

Nov 2019
Jan 2020

Started Doing Affiliate Marketing

After creating my YouTube channel, I want to earn online. So i started doing affiliate marketing and failed badly. but before that I had Tried multiple types of things like freelancing, crypto-trading, blogging, started my own startup(Bookmysell.com) and lots of thing for survival( but didn’t earned a single penny from doing 5 years of hard work in online industry.)

Jan 2020
Feb 2020

Got 1st Affiliate Sale( Hardwork Pays Off)

After promoting my affiliate product to multiple social media platforms, I got my first sell of 24$ with free traffic and after that I never looked back again and I scaled my affiliate marketing business to $1000 a day with help of paid ads.

Feb 2020
Mar 2020

Started Sharing My Journey On Youtube

After succeeding in affiliate marketing, I have decided to share my knowledge on YouTube for free. So, I started uploading content regularly on my channel and one of my video went viral. from there I got lots of subscribers.

Mar 2020
Dec 2023

My Journey Is To be Continued….

Dec 2023